wtorek, 19 maja 2015

Bad decisions are not always bad

Do you know that feeling when everything seems to go wrong, and you start to think that all that is happening is your own fault? I know that feeling too.

And then, you start to think that you are just not good enough. Every single person has made a bad decision at some stage in their life, but that one bad decision doesn't define you as a person, but it can change your life completely.

Bad decisions are not always bad

Sometimes you think that you made a bad decision, but then it changes your life for the better. I experienced that, not that long ago. I had a few friends that I would never think would say something bad about me, but they did and it hurts so badly. I don't really know if I should have consider them as friends anymore. But anyway, the things that they said turned my life upside down and I stopped talking to them. And suddenly I was on my own. I mean I still had my family, but I was left with no friends at all, Ok, I had some friends, but not any close ones. I was stuck at home for most of the time, it was horrible, especially when I was used to being around people a lot of the time. But by spending so much time on my own I learned to be my own friend, and I don't mind spending time on my own anymore. I actually got to know myself better, and had a lot of time to think what I want to do with my life. I started doing things that I never had time for before, and through that I met wonderful people, who are now my good friends.

The people who I considered friends were not my real friends, because they didn't like the fact that I was happy, so they just ruined it. We don't need that kind of people in our lives because, instead of supporting us, they want to destroy us. And today I am happy that they are not a part of my life anymore.

So I actually made the right decision by letting go of people who wanted to destroy me, even though it didn't feel right at the time when I was stuck at home with nobody to talk to. I learned that it is better to stay on my own, than to have false friends. We cant be that desperat huh?

People say that I have changed, and I agree with that, but I guess it's for the better. Before a lot of the time I was thinking that I'm just not good enough because I was constantly criticised by my "old "friends", but now their opinions are not important to me, because I am just happy with the way I am. I know that I am not perfect, but that is ok, because nobody is, and now I am happy. I suppose the world would be boring, if everything was just so perfect.

So don't worry if you made a mistake or a bad decision. Everybody does them. And you never know what will happen next... And stop blaming yourself for everything


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